Training Tips

Trail running is really obstacle-course running, a seemingly endless romp over rocks and roots. On a really technical trail, the terrain can be twisted, the hills relentless and the footing dicey. You have to choose your line and make split-second decisions about how to maneuver your body.
Upcoming Races

For many runners, the desire to do a marathon is about personal challenge. You might want to test your limits or prove that you can go the distance. Perhaps a friend has talked you into it. Maybe you'd like to lose weight, get healthier or raise awareness for a charity.
Whatever your reason, hold on to it and remind yourself of it often during the months that lie ahead. When your legs are tired or the weather is nasty, maintaining your motivation will help you get out the door.
Featured Runner

Whether you’re going for a solo track workout as part of your race training, or going to your run club’s weekly track session, odds are, the track you’ll be on will be either a community track or one affiliated with a school. First things first: Respect the rules of the track. Most will have some hours where they are closed during the day, so don’t hop the fence, which could result in the whole community losing track privileges